The Madhab of the Salaaf is the Madhab of Imam's Abu Hanifa, Malik, Ash-Shafi'i, Ibn Hanbal.


Shaykh Abu’l Hadi Muhammad Sa’eed Ridah al-Hanafi grew up and began his traditional training in the Islamic sciences in the blessed city Madinah Tul Auliya Hyderabad India under many ‘ulema of the India, including Mufti Raheel Razvi Markazi, Mufti Saddam Azhari, Moulana Muhammad Faridi Nizami Hh, Mufti Peer Kaleem Noori Misbahi Hh & Moulana Fazil Nizami (رحمه الله), His Teachers in Tasawwuf Shaykh Mufti Kareem Al Din Azhari, Shaykh NoMan Siddiqi Hh. He then studied Computer Science & Engineering in India.


Shaykh Saeed Ridah has ijazāt from numerous renowned Scholars from the Medina, Hijaz, Morocco, Syria, iraq, India, Senegal and Egypt. He has delivered the Teachings of Sufiya in various Places of India as Teachers (Mudarris) in the past, presently Nazim e Aala & Sader Mudarris at Jamia Hanafia Anwar ul Uloom India and currently lectures in the subjects Aqaid & Tasawwuf at Al Ridah International Islamic Center india, and teaches Aqaid, various texts in Hadith, Tazkiyah, Ahkam e Shariyat, Bahare Shariyat, islah e Amal, Tasawwuf and islamic History & hundreds of People Accepted Islam & Recited Kalima Tul Haq Al Shahada.
